Sign up for a 5k!
Then get your friends to sign up with you so you have people that are PLANNING on running with you.
Holy shit.
I think I may have lost my damn mind.
In my last post I touched on the fact that I've always wanted to be a runner. To experience a runner's high and feel the freedom that I always hear about. However, I've NEVER been a runner and unsuccessfully completed C25K twice now.
I got this crazy idea in my head that I would force myself to do it if I signed up for a 5K. So I am. It's going to be December 4th.
I know this sounds bad but I don't really care what kind of run it supports (this happens to be arthritis), I just want to run a 5k and say OMG I did it!
This will be just before my ONE YEAR anniversary of starting a lifestyle change and a HUGE personal accomplishment.
Here's my plan:
On Monday I will be re-starting week 1 of C25K.
I figure even if it takes me 12 weeks to complete the program INDOORS that will give me another 6 weeks to train outdoors. Score!!!! I know that road running will be much different as well as running in the COLD. Even if I decide to do some training during the fall it's a hell of a lot cooler than the 110 degree heat indexes we've had here recently.
And... there may be some really exciting breaking news regarding this LATER. So keep an eye on this blogspot. ;)
What's the best way to learn to run?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Posted by
Later Never Exists
7:01 AM
"It's time to worry about YOU and not everyone else..."
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Is what I was told this morning. It should probably be a motto for me. I'll admit it I'm nosey. I gossip. That's something in the future I would like to work on (hooray, just one more thing to add on to the list)...
I admit that sometimes, when I post on the 3FC forum and I see that other people are heavier than me and wear smaller clothes it makes me really frustrated.
I understand that all bodies are not created equally.
Just because I understand that doesn't mean that it doesn't get to me.
So I was venting to my friend about someone who is almost 50 lbs heavier than me and only ONE inch taller than me that can wear a much smaller pant size. I'm still in the 16-18s and this person claimed they can wear a size 12. Granted, I do not know that it may be vanity sizing.
I have a big ass. Serious junk in the trunk. Big hips. Always have, probably always will. I love my curves, but I could stand to lose what I have dubbed my "hippo thighs."
My friend literally said to me "I'm putting my foot down, you need to worry about YOU and not worry about what everyone else is doing."
You know what? She's right on the money and I'm glad she put her foot down with me. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.
Instead of being worried with what everyone else is doing, how much weight everyone else is losing, how people who ask me about weight loss but then refuse to do anything themselves are doing...
I need to be worried about bringing MY personal A-Game. I need to start being gracious for the things I have, for the things I'm doing for MYSELF. I'm not doing this for anyone else.... this is about ME. Worry about ME.
I had a complete melt down last week. I never really realized just how important my schedule is to me. I had Monday off of work. My therapist took me out to dinner for my celebratory "You made it to the 170s" dinner on Tuesday. I completely forgot about my therapy appointment on Wednesday (first time I've done that). I thought I had a session with my personal trainer on Wednesday which I did not. Thursday I hit rock bottom. I became so frustrated with the routine of working out, eating well (ish), that I just mentally exhausted myself. This lifestyle change is NOT easy by any means. I'm constantly pulling back layers of myself (which is why I'm in therapy) and I was done for the week. D-O-N-E DONE!
I cancelled my training appointment on Thursday (a first for me which I'm kind of proud of, but not proud I cancelled), I didn't work out for the rest of the weekend and I ate whatever I wanted. Not cool.
TOM is here (and almost gone, YAY). I weighed in yesterday at 180.0. Not happy about it, but I'm really hoping it will go down after TOM has left for the month.
I got back to the gym yesterday afternoon which felt good after taking a week off. I don't have any PT appointments this week because in NOT making my appointment last week I wasn't able to sign up for my appointments THIS week and she didn't have any availability after I got off of work. So next week it is. I'm hoping to be able to have 3 sessions next week since I missed 1 this week.
I have some goals for myself. Some shorter term, but mostly LONG term.
I am *crossing fingers* buying my ticket for the SUPER FUCKING FABULOUSLY AWESOME 311 concert at the Fox Theatre in ATL on HALLOWEEN. They're doing an ultra rare set so I'm hoping the universe is still loving me and is holding a ticket for me.
My goal is to lose another 30 lbs (10 lbs per month) before then.
If I make this goal my other goal is to get a sexy/sassy Halloween costume. I've never worn one and I think I deserve/want this.
I'm thinking something along these lines:
I am an Alice fan through and through but the Queen costume is super hot. Even I can admit that.
I've always wanted to be a runner. Mostly because I despise it. I felt like if I could become a runner that it would be a huge accomplishment because I hate running and have never felt able to do it or wasn't physically able to do it. I've tried doing the C25K program and floundered around and gave up twice now.
I want something to motivate me to do that. What more can motivate you than SIGNING UP FOR A 5K?
I have found 2 possible dates - November 6 or December 4. I posted on FB asking if any of my local friends are interested and already got a response. Soooo - I have about 14 weeks to train for it (if we decide on the Nov. 6 date). Honestly, I would like MORE training time because I'm scared, BUT I think it would be pretty damn cool to have a 5K under my belt 8 days shy of my 27th birthday.
That's all the big news I have for now. Time to get FOCUSED.
How do you all get focused on your goals?
Posted by
Later Never Exists
7:41 AM
HALF WAY: 30 down, 31 to go
Monday, July 12, 2010
I'm just as tired of bitching about my struggle with the 180s as you are of reading about it...
but the good news is I FINALLY BROKE MY PLATEAU!!!! I'm not really sure what kick started it. I had a very indulgent 4th of July weekend (which really meant I drank entirely too much Saturday night when out celebrating one of my best friend's birthdays).... then I didn't eat much for the next 2 days. I flew. Came home. Had chinese food one night... and have been eating on plan since then.
I jumped on the scale Saturday morning and was greeted by the number 177.2. HOLY SHIT!!!! I'M LOSING IT! FINALLY!!!!
My personal trainer had asked me to start a food journal. Of course who wants to show up to their trainer and have a list that says "I've been eating junk." It definitely helps for a bit of accountability.
Friday I planned out my shoe string budget meal. I had some staples I could use at the house, found recipes for a few things I could make this week, looked up some stuff online and budgeted accordingly. $25 later I came home with groceries for the week.
Eating this week consists of: egg mcmuffins for breakfast (whole wheat english muffin, 1 egg, a slice of american cheese and a little bit of mayo.
15 bean soup. Hobbit Shire Soup (found the recipe online, I'll post a recipe once I decide if it's edible or not), some whole wheat pasta (always a staple for a fat kid), apples, oranges, bananas, some fiber one bars (not completely OP, but it could be much worse), peanut butter, salads, turkey burger patties and veggies.
Sounds pretty yummy, huh?
Saturday night I went to go celebrate my brother's girlfriend's graduation. I hadn't seen some of those people since April. I was blown away by all of the nice compliments of how great I'm looking. Granted, I'm not letting it go to my head, but it's nice to have other people notice, especially when you've been busting your ass (literally) trying to make a difference.
On top of breaking into the 170s it really made me smile and has made me feel like my hard work is really paying off.
I am officially 30 lbs down. 31 lbs away from my goal of 145. Granted, I don't really know how I'll look when I get there, so there may be some tweaking, but to see 145 on the scale will be a HUGE accomplishment for myself. I can't remember the last time I saw that.
I've been tracking my food religiously (calories and all), doing my journaling and using the South Beach plan as a guideline. I haven't been tracking calories in the past and finally gave in. My trainer said with my work out routine I can eat about 1700 calories a day. Since Friday it seems that I have been anywhere between 1100 and 1500 which I'm fine with. She and I can talk about it this week (or this coming week).
This morning I weighed in at 176.8 which I am totally fine with. It's amazing how I went from bouncing around the same 3 lbs or so to being almost 5 lbs down and half way through the 170s already.
I'm hoping I can keep this momentum. I really feel motivated to kick these last 30 lbs.... I know it will be my hardest to get rid of, especially as I get closer to 145. It's making my birthday goal of 150 seem obtainable. What an amazing birthday gift to myself... "Happy birthday, here's a healthy version of YOU!"
The new school year starts August 25 and I also have a trip to Florida planned for Labor Day weekend. I would really love to be another 10 lbs down (165ish).
Time to bring my A-Game!
Posted by
Later Never Exists
6:17 AM
A Lesson In Manifesting....
Friday, July 9, 2010
Okay so this is where you may think I'm a little crazier than I already am.
I do believe in the power of manifestation. I do believe that our thoughts shape our past, present and future.
I believe that if you TRUELY believe something that you can make it happen.
The problem is sometimes making yourself really believe it. Our bodies are powerful things, but so are our minds. Often we can put our bodies through grueling tasks much easier than we can put our minds through it.
This may sound silly, but it really is a lesson I learned today.
I love the band Train. I've always liked them but went to go see them this past March in an intimate venue. It may have been 1000 people, but it was in an old theatre with fantastic acoustics and their stage performance (combined with Pat's ability to sing) really made me fall in love. Pat was BORN to sing. He LOVES to sing and he can give you chills at the drop of a dime. In fact, he sang a song completely unplugged. No mic. No nothin. You could've heard a pin drop in that theatre and it was a really beautiful moment. I couldn't walk out of that concert not loving them.
Train will be playing with John Mayer (who I could care less about truthfully) here on Saturday. The local radio station is doing a "Listener Lounge" promotion where it is a small, intimate setting. Train will play a 5-7 song set from 3-5pm.
So last night Meredith and I were on the phone and I kept telling her "We just have to say we're going to win and we will."
This morning when I got in my car the very first song I heard on the radio was "Meet Virginia." What a great way to start off the day I was going to win those tickets!
I get to work and started listening. I was even listening on my phone (via IHeartRadio). I got a text message and turned off the radio. Meredith called my office phone and told me to start calling.
I did. I called and called and called and called and called. To the point I was thinking "they have got to have a winner." Called some more. Then someone answered:
"Um hey, do you guys still have Train tickets?"
"Do you still have the listener lounge tickets for Train?"
"Yeah, you're caller 15!"
Which was then followed by a lot of "NO! SERIOUSLY? OMG. ARE YOU SEROIUS? NO, SERIOUSLY?!?!?!" and a lot of not being able to breathe and my adrenelin was pumping so fast I was shaking and I thought he was messing with me because he already started off that way....
I am the proud owner of 2 tickets to the Red Room Listener Lounge event.
I ran into Meredith's office. Shut the door and said "Don't scream."
We proceeded to scream and hop in circles like 2 12 year old girls because that is what we turn into with things like that. Maybe we just regress to when we met our freshman year of high school....
Cool story, huh?
I started thinking about how easily I manifested that. How I just said I was going to and did. How it HAPPENED! (OMG I've never won anything on the radio before.)
Now the lesson in manifesting my weight loss, health and fitness begins.
I WILL break into the 170s.
I WILL hit my goal weight.
I WILL continue to be healthy for the rest of my life.
I WILL continue to work out and enjoy being physically active.
I WILL get this body of mine toned up.
I WILL love my body.
I WILL treat it better.
I WILL look the way I want to.
I WILL not be frustrated.
I WILL keep on truckin' with a smile on my face.
How about you?
Posted by
Later Never Exists
7:12 AM
Labels: love my body, manifesting, Train
Good ol' NSV...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
For those of you that are unfamiliar with what NSV means... its a non scale victory. It isn't determined by that pesky number many of us are obsessed with that can make one bless or curse their scale.
I have been working out steadily for the last few months. I have been bouncing around the same 5 lbs (more recently the same 2) for the past month.
I will be going out of town tonight to go visit friends in Atlanta. More importantly to celebrate the birthday of one of my nearest and dearest and to hang with some more of my nearest and dearest I haven't seen in over a year.
I'm probably about the same weight I was when I saw them. However, I'm glad I can say I'm about the same weight and NOT 25 lbs heavier.
We're going out on the town Saturday night when means I actually have to get dressed up. I'm such a tomboy that I HATE this, but stupid dress codes mean that I have to oblige and lets face it... every now and then it's fun to get semi dolled up and feel good about yourself. I've been busting my ass... I need a night to strut my shit even if no one else thinks it (but I don't think that will be a problem).
A few years ago when I was much smaller I bought this awesome top. It's a halter top with a flowy material over the top of a tank underneath. Can you tell I'm not a fashionista because i have no idea wtf this material is called. ANYWAY, I digress, it's a really cute top.
I tried it on a month or two ago just to see how it fit and I wasn't too happy. When I was packing my suit case last night I thought I would throw it on for shits and giggles to see how it fit.
Again, havent been losing so much, but I have been working out twice a week with my trainer, plus an additional 3 days a week with myself or my work out buddy which includes a day of doing weights on my own on top of cardio.
The other night my trainer asked how I thought things were going. If I liked what we were doing and how I was doing with losing weight. I told her that I can't seem to get over this hump but I was feeling good. She asked if I was noticing a difference in my clothing and said that I looked like I was losing weight. She intially took my measurements when we started working out together but won't take them again for another 2-4 weeks. I have not taken them on my own since.
I tried on the top.
It fits.
So as you can imagine, these NON SCALE VICTORIES can mean a lot, especially when the stupid @#$@#$ (#!@$&!)#!@(# !@_)!@(# scale doens't always say what you would like it to.
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC 4th of July. Whether you are celebrating it in style, going out of town or just taking time to relax.
Updates will follow next week! :)
Posted by
Later Never Exists
6:01 AM